Monday, November 22, 2010

Food: Not too spicy thanks!

Bean curry taken by Rob....and eaten by Rob....but not made by case you were wondering...

A native conversation about having lunch:



『I'm a little peckish』

a little hungryなどとも言えますが、このPeckishを使うと、何かちょとつまみたい気分、といったニュアンスを上手く表現出来ます。Peckishは、鳥がくちばしで、食べ物をつまんでいるイメージです。


Tom: Hey Rob, I'm feeling hungry, how about you? (I am hungry, are you hungry Rob?)
Rob: I'm a little peckish I guess. (Yes, a little.)
Tom: Do you wanna grab a quick curry? (Do you want to eat some curry?)
Rob: Yeah sure, know any decent places? (That is a good idea. Do you know a curry shop?)
Tom: There's an Indian joint not far from here, I go there all the time. (Yes, there is an Indian curry shop near here, I often go there.)
Rob: Sounds good! (Let's go!)

At the Indian restaurant:
Staff: What can I get for you? (Can I take your order?)
Tom: I'd like the lunch set with Saag Paneer and naan thanks. (I want the set lunch with spinach curry with cheese and naan bread thank you.)
Rob: I'll get a lunch set with naan too, but can I get the vegetable curry? (Can I have a lunch set too, with vegetable curry?)
Staff: OK, two lunch sets coming right up. (OK, your food will be cooked soon.) How hot do you want it? (How spicy do you want your curry?)
Rob: A little hotter than medium thanks, but not too spicy! (Level 3 from 5 please. More than 'average' but not REALLY hot!)
Tom: Same for me thanks. (Me too!)


Do you wanna grab a quick curry?

・I’m gonna grab my jacket! 「ちょっとジャケット取ってくるね!(急いで取ってくる感じです)」
・Why don't we grab a coffee or something? 「コーヒーか何かでも、軽く飲まない?」
・Let's grab a taxi  「タクシーつかまえよう!」

手に入れるっていう意味での「get 」や「take」に、少し素早さや、軽さを加えた意味のこの単語。

What can I get for you?  ウエイターがよく使います。『何をお持ちしましょう?』

How hot do you want it? 
この場合のhotはspicyと同じ意味で使われています。hotには温度の暑さ                     を表現したり、辛さを表す時にも使われますよ。


Tom Fryer teaching at PranaKids

Rob climbing in Hokkaido

Monday, November 15, 2010

Word Watch: Sur / Sub / Semi

Sur = Above
Sub = Under
Semi = Partly / Half
常識・可能・入場 などなど。
Surface (top)
Submarine (An underwater boat)
Surtitles (words at the top of a page, or a movie.)
Subtitles (words at the bottom of a page, or a movie.)

Subway (An underground train)
Submerge (To put something under water.)
Subfreezing (Below zero degrees)

Superb (Above 'good')
Superior (Above others / better)
Surprise (Above, more than expected)
Surplus (Extra)
Surcharge (Extra cost)

Semi-express (Almost express) 電車で見ますね。Semi-express to Ikebukuro 準急池袋行
Semi-submerged (Half submerged)
Semi-circle (Half a circle)

Many words begin with a 'stem' or 'root'.
The 'root' (or stem) has meaning, similar to the 'radical' of kanji.

Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Food: I like cake with coffee!

There's nothing better than a freshly brewed cup of coffee!
Taken and drunk by Rob.

Personally I like coffee made in a 'plunger', also called a 'press'. I call this 'French pressed' coffee. The flavour from pressed coffee is rich and full, but not too bitter. I highly recommend it to anybody who likes a mild, yet full flavoured coffee! You must always grind your own beans, and do not use water that is hotter than 90 degrees Celsius!

 brewed coffeeは、インスタントコーヒーとは、違うコーヒー豆の良い香りが漂ってきそうです。コーヒー以外にも、日本茶や紅茶にも使えます。焙煎し、挽き立てのコーヒーは格別ですよね。あのアロマの香りが部屋中に漂って。 んーん、コーヒーが飲みたくなってきました。温度にもこだわりが、90℃のお湯で煎れます。これより熱すぎると、豆を焦がしてしまい、苦味がでますし、これより低い温度では、豆本来の香りがひき立ちません。それから、豆を挽く時も、粗すぎず、細か過ぎないようにね。

I like to drink coffee several times a day.
Coffee goes well with cake.
I grind my own beans with a hand grinder.
Freshly ground coffee beans.
Coffee beans should be ground soon after they are roasted.
The full flavour of coffee is released if the water temperature is about 90 degrees.
Hot water will burn the coffee and make it bitter.
Cold water will not release the flavour.
The beans must be ground to the right consistency, not too coarse, but not too fine!
We have a coffee maker at home.
We put in the beans just before we make the coffee.
Put in / Take out
Pour in some milk. / Pour the milk out of the carton.
Add some sugar. / Put in some sugar.
Stir the coffee.
Pour in some milk.  ミルクをそそぐ。
Add some sugar./ Put in somu sugar. 砂糖を加える。  
Stir the coffee.  コーヒーをかき混ぜる。

Friday, November 05, 2010

Culture: Wagashi are the bomb!

Wagashi are the bomb!
Kamome no Tamago - Special Edition
Photos by Rob.
The bomb! = Great!
The bomb! = I REALLY like it.
AKB48 are the bomb! = I love AKB48

The bomb!=最高!超スゲェ!
ただ、発音に注意して下さいね。 最後の’b’は発音しないで「ジィボーム」 

He is the bomb! = He is great / the best.爆発的にすごい!ってことで、人に使って、一番すごい人!
They're the bomb!
She is the bomb!
She is a bomshell! = She is hot!
She is hot! = She is sexy!
She blows my mind!
Blow up. = Explode.
I love Kamome no Tamago!
Photos by Rob.

Wagashi are really wonderful! Since coming to Japan, I have fallen in love with wagashi! Taking photos of wagashi is one of my many hobbies. I enjoy learning about Japanese culture through wagashi! I love that people can share their experience of travel with their friends and loved ones, by bringing home a wagashi souvenir! Wagashi are the bomb! Thank you all for giving me such wonderful treats! I love Japan!

By the way, can you explain the difference between 'wagashi' and 'yougashi'? How about 'dagashi'?