Monday, October 25, 2010

Word Watch: Mono / Uni = 1

MONO = 1
UNI = 1
MULTI = Many

MONO がつくと1つという意味合いが含まれます。

Monobrow by Rob.
もしも片方眉毛を整えている時に剃り落としちゃったなんて事がある場合、片方しかないのでone eyebrowとなります。
そんな時はこのMONO = 1 を使い a monobrow なんて言い方もできます!

Most people have eyebrows. (2 eyebrows, one above each eye)
Look! Rob has only one eyebrow!
Look, Rob has a monobrow!

'monotone' の意味を一色だけ使っていることだと思っている場合が多いのですがもともとの意味は色の事ではないのです。

Many people use 'monotone' to mean '1 colour', this is not traditional!

Monochrome Rob by full colour Rob.
Monotone is a sound! 本当のモノトーン'monotone' の意味は実は音の事をいうのです。音の事って?どういうことかというと。。

She spoke in a monotone voice. のように使えます。

モノトーン'monotone' ではなく、Monochromeを使います。白黒の映画なんて言う時は、Monochromatic filmblack and white films. と言います。

Monochrome = One colour. Usually this means different shades of one colour.
Rob is in monochrome.
I love old black and white films.
Films shot in monochrome are very romantic. (In this sentence 'monochrome' = 'Monochromatic film')

Monotone = A sound that has only 1 pitch.

UNI もまた一つという意味があるものが多いです。なのでUnicyclesは一輪車という意味。とっても上手に乗れる人いますよね。この間池袋で中国からやってきた雑技団の人たちがものすごい高い一輪車に乗っていました。

Unicycles are very popular in Japan.
I have never tried to ride
a unicycle.
a unicycle looks very difficult.
I like my
bicycle. (bi = 2)
bicycle is a mamachari!
She used to ride
a monocycle (= a unicycle) when she was a child.
I saw a professional
unicyclist in Ikebukuro a few years ago.


  1. I didn't know that 'bi' of 'bicycle' means 2!
    So can I say 'tricycle' when I used to ride childhood?

  2. Yes, that`s correct! Tri means 3 and `tricycle` is useful. I often hear people talking about being `bilingual` which means `speaking 2 languages`. People can also be `trilingual` and `multilingual`. By the way, there are many other words that mean a certain number of things. For example, quad means 4. Unfortunately though, language is usually not logical, so you can not always make new words using this rule, but you can often guess the meaning of words that you hear or see. Thank you for your comment!
