Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Word watch: Popular / Common / Famous

Danny Kaye
from www.cosmomovieawards.com
Rob's Comment
These words are commonly misused in Japan. The basic meaning is similar, but the usage is very different. From my experience, a lot of English students say things such as 'cancer is popular'. This is not usually what people intend to say! They intend to say 'cancer is common'.

Popular usually means that people like it, or do not have bad feelings about it, so if you say 'cancer is very popular' it is incorrect in most situations!
Cancer might be popular with people who sell graves or anti-cancer drugs, but most people would never think of it as a good thing!
Danny Kaye was a popular actor. (OK)
Harajuku is popular with young people. (OK)
Ramen is a popular dish with many Japanese. (OK)
Mamachari are popular bikes in Japan. (OK)
The actress 'Kouyuki' has helped to make 'high balls' popular again in Japan.

'Common' means that it happens often or for many people, or it is 'usual'.
'The common cold' - This is a popular expression for a cold that is not unusual.

'Cancer is a common illness.' - This is a much more reasonable sentence.

Patient: I feel sick! I have a sore throat, a runny nose and a cough.
Doctor: You have a common cold. Go to bed, and take plenty of fluids. (drink a lot)
Illness is common this time of year.
Mushrooms are common in this area.
Oak trees commonly grow around here.
House parties are not common in Japan. = House parties do not happen often in Japan.
House parties are not popular in Japan. = Japanese people do not like house parties.

`Famous` refers to something that many people know.
Danny Kaye was famous, he was a famous musician and actor who died last week.
Ichiro is famous, he is famous for playing baseball in America.
Japanese are famous for eating rice.
Manga is a famous export of Japan.
When I grow up I want to be famous! (I want to be a celebrity...or not!) 

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